Tips For Making Your Children Enjoy Being Active
We all know that physical activity is important for both adults and children. Staying active is important to overall health and can provide a variety of benefits. While many adults generally know why they should stay active and make an effort to do so (even if they don’t enjoy it), children are not as disciplined. If they don’t want to do something active, they will likely not do it.
While some parents shrug this off and let their children watch endless hours of television or play video games, it is important that you push your child to get up and start moving. There are many ways to get your child to enjoy being active, you just have to find the right activity and make it fun for them.
At Jumpin’ Jamboree in Doral, we can help keep your kiddos moving and grooving with our indoor inflatable playground. However, we know you may not be able to make it to our play place, so we wanted to give you some tips for making your children enjoy being active. Read on to learn more and get your kiddos moving today!
Make it Age Appropriate
If you want your child to enjoy being active and taking part in physical activity, you need to make sure that you are providing them with activities that are age-appropriate. For example, younger kiddos will not be able to play sports with neighbor children like older kids often do, which makes it difficult for them to participate and they will likely not enjoy being active if this is their only option.
Instead, be sure to give your kiddo a variety of options that is appropriate for their age. For younger kids, a simple game of tag, riding a tricycle around the neighborhood, or kicking a ball are great activity options. For older kids, help them set up a game of soccer in the backyard with some of the neighbor kids. Older kids also love more intense games of tag, jumping on a trampoline, and making up their own games. Choosing the right activity for your kiddo’s age can help them enjoy this type of play more.
Jumpin’ Jamboree is a great active play place for kids of all ages. Our inflatable playground is designed for kids from six months to 12 years old. Our facility includes a soft play area for toddlers to play safely. No matter how old your kiddos are, our indoor playground will keep them entertained and active.
Make It Fun
While adults stay active to maintain their health or lose weight, kids will only want to stay active if it is fun. Depending on how old they are, kids don’t care (or understand) that physical activity is healthy and important for them, so they are likely only going to participate in physical activity if it is fun and keeps them entertained.
As a parent, you will want to make sure you keep their physical activity focused on fun. If your little ones are in sports, you will want to make sure to keep it fun for them. Some parents get extremely competitive about their children’s sports and start shouting and getting angry which may take the fun out of it. If you sign your child up for sports, let them have fun and don’t make it about winning. While it is good to push your child to be the best they can be and put effort into each game or practice, making it overly competitive will certainly take the fun out of it and make your child less likely to want to continue with the sport.
When you are trying to find activities that keep your kiddos moving, be sure to keep fun in mind. Ask them what their favorite activity is or what they find fun and try to focus on those activities. This will help make physical activity more enjoyable for your kids.
Jumpin’ Jamboree is fun for kids of all ages. This is a great place to bring your children to get them moving while still having fun. Your kiddos will enjoy our indoor playground so much they will not even notice that they are being so active!
Make It a Habit
Children thrive with daily routines. In fact, they are important for a child’s development. One great way to get your child to enjoy being physically active is to make it a part of their daily routine. When you do this, they are more likely to look forward to it and will definitely notice on days they do not do anything active.
Making physical activity a part of their daily routine can be simple. You could make sure they go out to play after school while you prepare dinner. You could walk or ride bikes as a family in the evening. If you live close to their school, you could make sure to walk or bike with them to school every day. It is simple to find ways to fit physical activity into their daily routine and by doing so, you can help make it a habit for them and something they look forward to on a regular basis.
Lead By Example
When you show your child that you enjoy being physically active, it can make a positive impression on them. They will be more likely to see physical activity as something that is fun rather than an activity they do not want to take part in. When you show them that you love bike rides, hiking, going for walks, or even playing games outside with them, they will enjoy these activities as well.
Plus, this is a great way to spend some quality time with your kiddos. Children love spending time with their parents. They love getting attention from their parents and feeling as though their parents enjoy spending that time with them. This time spent with your kiddos is especially important for their development. Spend quality time with your child and teach them that physical activity can be fun. Not only will they enjoy staying active with you, but they will also associate physical activity with positive memories.
These are a few tips for making your children enjoy physical activity. When you get your child active and moving, they will be more likely to stay active as they grow older. Jumpin’ Jamboree is a fun and exciting place to bring kids of all ages and allow them to run, jump, slide, and play for hours. If you are having trouble coming up with a fun activity for your kiddos that gets them moving, our indoor inflatable playground is just the place! Learn more about our facility and be sure to contact us with any questions you may have.